Laws of Human Nature is a great book by Robert Greene. It contains very basic but counter-intuitive facts about how the human mind works. It is similar to Greene's other books in terms of style: very relevant examples mixed with a good amount of theory/suggestion. Here are a few snippets:
Children are smarter than us
We should never believe evidence until we ourselves are satisfied...evidence may be faked or used to support anything - like petroleum companies telling us to switch our lights off to save electricity!
Superiority Bias, ladies and gentlemen | | |
Observation is one hell of a lesson.
If you want to test a man's character, give him power.
The true spirit of conversation
The importance of being confident
New word: schadenfreude
The quote at the end.... |
Some more on aggresson
A really great book, Laws of Human Nature deserves to be a part of school syllabus along with personal health, personal finance and critical thinking.