Sunday, September 3, 2017

Some Thoughts On Religion

By religion, I mean religion as a concept. Not my religion or your religion or Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Here we go:

1. Religion is meant to make our lives easy. To give us answers to our questions, solutions to our ethical and moral dilemmas, and in case of some people a purpose to live. Any religion that makes life difficult is not right.

2. Like sports, religion won't build character. Unlike sports, it amplifies character. Good people become better people with religion. Bad people become bitter people: bullies with a justification for their bullshit.

3. Any religion is an ideology, nothing more and nothing less. Like Socialism or Capitalism or Six Sigma or the 4-4-2 formation. This means that each person will interpret religion differently. This is why there are cults and as we call them in North India,  deras

4. One of the best things proposed by Mahatma Gandhi was the separation of religion and politics. Discovery and domination of the New World and the current activities of IS show that religion and politics should remain separate. Similarly practical life and spiritual life need separation. Or we get to more and more bizarre things: starting  from the anti-vaccination stuff and going up to human sacrifice and whatnot.

What thoughts do you wish to share?


  1. Should be separate indeed. We don't need human sacrifice back. And yep, idiots become even more bitter and more idiotic too. Thinking they have an excuse or justification by the way they interrupt it. Ugg to cults, they are just scary lol

    1. It's the idiots and their impact I worry the most about.

  2. Napoleon Bonaparte said: Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.

    You said your blog did not include Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Lol. Add Church of the Monday Night Football also.

    1. I meant that this post did not include any religion as such... Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism etc. I referred to religion as a concept.

      Also, it seems like in addition to being a general and a politician in his time, Napolean would have made a successful politician today.

  3. I was raised Mormon and then my grandparents started taking me to a Baptist church. When I got older I went to the church of Satan for a while. I'm not Agnostic because I'm not sure I believe anything about religion anymore but I also don't think we'll really know if any of it is true until we die, so I'll leave the door open just in case. I don't think people should be pushing their religion on their kids though. Let kids decided what they believe once they get older and can research it out for themselves.

    1. Your grandparents surely loved variety!

      You are right about not pushing religion on children.

      I thought being agnostic included atheism, but I have been wrong...a lot :-)

  4. Greetings from the Uk. I believe that religion pacifies people into living a better life, although some are corrupt in their beliefs, causing grief to others.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. I am with you on relgion pacifying people to live better lives. And also in that corruption in beliefs causes grief to others...but wait...I am not the guy with most stand up beliefs either.
